Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Does Your Job Suck, Or Does It Rock?

Here's an experiment to try, if you're wondering how you really feel about your current job.

Stick a piece of paper up on your fridge or bulletin board, and write "My Job Sucked", "My Job Rocked" and "Because" as three headings across the top of it. Then make a point, every workday, maybe while you're making or eating supper, to take a minute and add a tick mark in the one of the first two columns that best describes how that day at work went, and then a word or three under "Because" describing why you put the tick mark where you did. No grey areas are allowed, and no abstentions. You have to classify each and every day at work as either sucking or rocking, with no exceptions.

Do this for a month or two, and see how it goes. You'll probably find that you have a clear winner between the two choices, and that you've now got a better understanding of how you feel about your current employment situation. And then tell the world about it in a blog!!


Anonymous said...

Have you actually done this?

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

I'll never tell!!

Anonymous said...

Have you actually done this?

Anonymous said...

mother, try to come up with more original comments geez!