Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Could They At Least Wait Until I Get My PS/3 Before They Start Talking About The PS/4?

No, no they couldn't, apparently. Now, admittedly they're predicting it'll be 2010 by the time the PS/4 comes out (which probably really means 2012) but nowhere in the article do they tell me when I'll get my PS/3, so what comfort is that, really?

On a related note, for anyone wondering about last Sunday's gaming choice, sure enough we ended up playing Darkest Faerie, one of Vicki's PS/2 games. It's one of those third person adventure deals where you run around collecting points by breaking stuff and fulfilling quests (when I have the controller: mostly breaking stuff!). Strangely, we got to Act 3 on Sunday, at which point the two players you've been in Acts 1 and 2 meet up, and now you can be either one, at the press of a button. Which would seem to be a perfect setup for playing in Cooperative Mode, but no such thing's available. Too bad for us!


Anonymous said...

I heard there was some mad replaying of Act 2.

PS. This is so similar to my EA Games blog! lol

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

You have an EA Games blog??!!

FalloutBoy said...

I heard that there is a line forming for the PS4 at one of the Futureshop/Bestbuy already :-)

Anonymous said...

Yep, reminded me of t's rant on why are they telling me about Sim X when I just got Sim Y.

Anonymous said...
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FalloutBoy said...

Apparently there are a dozen of Wiis and PS3s available at both Futureshop this morning and they are sold out within minutes after the store open its door at 8am. So the snow storm didn't hinder those lucky one or desperate one of hitting the store to get one. Now that's dedication :-)