Saturday, December 09, 2006

I've Got Blisters On My Fingers!

Well, actually, there's only one, and it's on the palm of my hand, not my finger. But who could resist using a Beatles line as a blog title? Not me, that's for sure!

And before you ask - or worse, draw your own conclusions - the blister is from all the shovelling that we did yesterday. Three different sessions, not counting the one the night before, to get our driveway pretty much completely clear. The first attempt cleared out enough of a path for one of our cars to get to the street, just in case of emergency. But of course, had there been an emergency, we would've gotten about as far as the street before being stuck! And yet, somehow that thin little path still made us feel better!

The second trip out yesterday provided a path for the 2nd car to get out, with the assumption that it would come out of the garage and then twist over into the path we'd prepared for car number one. That left about a quarter of the driveway stlll snow covered.

After the plow came by (which, by some cosmic quirk involving planets aligning and a waning gibbous moon, managed to happen before my boss had his street plowed!) we went out a final time and both dealt with the plow-induced mess at the end of the driveway as well as finishing off the section we'd left before. So now that blacktop's a thing of beauty! We may even go out for a few errands this afternoon, just because we can. And, ummm, because they need doing.

1 comment:

FalloutBoy said...

I used to dread the plow since removing the chunks of ice from the end of your driveway is as much work as clearing your ENTIRE driveway. But I noticed that if you continue clearing the snow (at this point the snow is fluffy and light) past your driveway (about 1/2 sidewalk length) and to the left of your driveway (about 1/2 sidewalk lengh), you will not notice the snow/ice chunks (at this point the snow is compacted and heavy) dump on your driveway at all (maybe a little). Give this a try next time you are out clearing out your driveway.