Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Craziness On The Battlefield

Obviously only the dullards were online playing Resistance: Fall of Man shortly after dinnertime tonight, as I had my two best results yet! I finished 4th in a deathmatch involving 31 players, and then 3rd in one with 18 players! In each case, I had many more kills than deaths, which is also totally uncharacteristic.

I'm getting a lot of use out of the newfound Sprint capability now, and slowly figuring out when to run and when to jog, since you lose your gunsight when you're running, and there's a little pause when you start fighting again (so it's to your advantage to switch out of Sprint mode early, if you see an enemy up ahead). I've also gotten better at shaking the controller to knock off air-fuel grenades and bullseye tags that hit me, where before I'd just run around and eventually die.

And, as a cherry on the top of the aforementioned milestones, I just got a System Message telling me I've been promoted to Lieutenant (1 pip)! That'll put the fear into the enemy next time I show up, I'm sure.... (not really, but it's fun to dream).

[Edit] Later in the evening, I actually managed a 3rd place finish on a map with 28 players, and best of all: I had a witness! Vicki was home from a cooking class in time to see it all, and was suitably impressed, considering the results she was used to seeing me achieve!


Anonymous said...

I'm leaving a comment just to leave a comment.

in Toronto this week and I saw a old guy at a bank branch in a letterman style jacket with a huge World of Warcraft patch on the back. His daughter, who was with him, had a WoW T-shirt. Multi-player vid games are turning into something like NASCAR for geeks.

Just sayin - Tim

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

I'm commenting on your comment just to comment on your comment.

Video games have reached such a high level now that I can see them appealing to a wider and wider segment of the population every year. The Wii in particular seems positioned to bring in whole new swaths of players simply by breaking some paradigms and making the gaming experience seem more natural to those who never quite made the leap with consoles or even keyboard/mouse PC games. This is certainly a video gamer's dream made reality right now!

Playing R:FoM on a 50-inch widescreen TV in High Definition, plopped down on my living room couch, is such a vision of decadence and depravity that it probably signals the impending end of civilization! But I'm living it up for as long as it lasts!!

Anonymous said...

Is he dissin' Nascar??