Friday, January 19, 2007

Post # 500

Matt is running out of steam and asked me (Vicki) to guest blog for his 500th post. So here are some of my pet peeves:

1. Drivers who know the right lane is going to end (as it is only there to accomodate right turns) but somehow feel entitled to drive fast past many cars and cut into the front of the left lane causing that lane to brake and slow. OK, so I might never have noticed this on my own (Matt's influence) or perhaps I might have since there are several opportunities to experience this living in the burbs and working downtown. Are these drivers the same people that are raised by wolves and jump in front of those already queued when a new cashier opens at a store?

2. And speaking of being influenced, funnily enough, I love waiting for trains and don't think we need to build more overpasses. I count the cars, think about my day and perhaps chat with my passenger. If I'm late it is the train's fault! All good.

3. Women who complain about their husbands and don't do anything about it (for heaven's sake - just leave!). Get yourself a copy of "Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay"

4. Men who don't respect their wives / girlfriends and do put downs or little zingers about them in front of others. Everybody laughs politely but it is just fingernails on a chalkboard to me. And I do know how lucky I am that Matt doesn't do this, has never done this and I can't imagine him ever doing this.

5. wait! I'm sorry, please don't kick me back out....let me just reboot you...there,'s OK now. Have to be careful, I don't really want to go back to the TV guide listing and a VCR!

6. Political correctness - 'nuff said before I get in trouble

7. Invisible walls - can we all say QA?

8. Jumping - can the game not just keep track and after 10 tries just give it to me? Do I really need to give the "by now quite stupid" controller over to Matt to make the jump? Where is the fun in that?

9. Guys who don't hold doors, let women exit first (like from an elevator) or give up their seats on buses, etc.....another group raised by wolves.

10. Quarterbacks who can't pass. Hello! How deadly boring is the running game!

And of course, anyone who really thinks Matt is running out of steam has not been reading his blog for the last 499 posts! Time to start making bets on when he hits 1,000. I'm guessing Friday before the May long weekend. Thanks Matt!


Tammy said...

aw mommy such a good blog! you could go pro.

let's see...

#3 - yes, some women just wait until they have a better offer before leaving! ;) sorry, couldn't help myself.

#6 - i guess i must be your daughter after all!

Anonymous said...

Interesting list. At the risk of being labelled a troublemaker, I've got to comment on #9.

In this day and age when we're all supposed to believe that men and women are equal in all ways, why is there still this sense of entitlement as far as holding doors open, letting women go first, giving up a seat etc?

I mean, don't get me wrong: I fully agree that holding a door/elevator open for another person is a polite and correct thing to do. But why is a woman *more entitled* to this treatment than a man?