Saturday, January 13, 2007

Slightly Less Pathetic, Many Hours Later

Last night, and for several hours today, I was online playing various forms of Resistance: Fall of Man on my PS/3. I'm still sucking, but not as bad as I was before. I've even been promoted from Private to Private First Class, whatever that means. I've been invited to join a couple of clans, which shows just how desperate they are! Or possibly they just don't have any standards.

I got around my right thumbstick problem by mapping something innocuous to it (I think it's my Light, clicking on and off each time I press down too hard!) after initially mapping the Jump function to it. The problem with that much jumping is that I could never find the target while I was shooting, and yet somehow the other guy was able to hit me just fine as I hopped around like a spastic. As it stands now, I sometimes finish around the middle of the pack, and sometimes near the bottom, where previously I was always pretty much low man on the totem pole when the winner was crowned. I'm still figuring out some of the maps, considering I've only played a couple hours of the game in offline mode so far. And I've been learning some of the tricks of online play, like that your health regenerates automatically if you can just stop taking fire for a few seconds. That bit of info can obviously affect the way you play!

I played on one map that had 41 players on it, and it seemed like I couldn't get any kills because someone else was always fighting the same guy I was, and would take him out first before then turning on me! I think 25 - 30 is about the right size for deathmatches on those maps.

It's definitely a very fun game to play, in both modes. Now I just have to try to get Vicki back into playing it offline in Co-op Mode.

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