Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Few Words About The PlayStation Network

A co-worker/friend of mine is having some issues with his PS/3 - in fact, he's now on his 3rd! - and his online experience with it. That got me thinking of just how conversely pleasant my own PlayStation Network time has been so far, to the point where I guess I've started taking its availability and comfort for granted. I was shocked the first time I went online, via Resistance: Fall of Man, with how easy it was, how little lag there was - none! - and the fact that it was free. Specific to that particular game, the lobby setup is very intuitive, making it simple to just jump into a game at random or pick one that suits your particular tastes. Certainly my XBox Live experiences weren't quite that positive, over the time I was playing Halo 2 online.

I also like how the PlayStation Store is set up, with the free demo and download choices. So far I've only downloaded the one game - MotorStorm? - but that's more a reflection of how much I'm enjoying R:FoM than any dissatisfaction with the Store's offerings.

All in all, I'm very pleased with the arrangements Sony made with this console. I wouldn't have guessed that I'd get back into online play to the extent I have, but surprises like that are part of what makes Life so much fun!

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