Saturday, January 20, 2007

Why blog? (Chapter Ten)

Having passed the five hundred mark, it seemed like a good time to do a little reflection on the whole experience of blogging. Specifically I thought it might be interesting to posit some Do's and Don't's on the subject, from my own personal point of view (so take them with a grain of salt, of course).

Do write about whatever interests you, and throw yourself into it whole-heartedly.

Don't try to guess what others will be interested in, because you'll probably be wrong anyway.

Do try to get into a rhythm with your blogging, as that seems to make it easier and therefore more likely you'll stick with it.

Don't just post quotes or other links, since those reading your blog want to know, at the very least, what you think about whatever you're referencing.

Do keep in mind, at all times, that every word you write could, conceivably, be read by anyone in the world. If you don't like the idea of needing to perform that much filtering, keep a diary instead, or use a by-invitation-only blog.

Don't blog carelessly about your workplace, because it's irresponsible, childish and you could always end like the Dooce lady and then you'd have no one to blame but yourself.

Do take at least a little time to spellcheck and proofread your entries before publishing them. You wouldn't enjoy a book that was chock full of typos, wrong words and incomplete sentences - it requires too much work, as a reader - so why would anyone else want to visit a similarly-haphazard blog site?

Don't be afraid to express your opinion, but remember that that's all it is.

Do get something out of it, or else why blog?

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