Saturday, January 13, 2007

That Captain America Cover - Finally!

Now that Blogger's accepting image uploads once more, here's that oh-so-colourful comic cover that I waxed nostalgic about in my previous post. Seeing it now brings it all back again: that confident pose by Cap, with cross-armed sidekick Bucky backing him up, and ringed by promises of tales involving Cap's origin, and something about Graymoor Castle, and young Bucky imperiled! Who wouldn't want to thrill to thoses stories, over and over? It strikes me as ironic, now, that the first comic I ever read actually contained a significant origin re-telling in it! Origins are a staple of the superhero genre, after all, since everyone wants to know how these guys and gals got their amazing abilities. But you certainly don't get one in every issue or anything close to it. And it's no wonder the Super-Soldier Serum, so instrumental in scrawny Steve Rogers being able to become that paragon of physical abilities, Captain America, should be a part of my lingo my entire life. I was probably searching for that serum my entire 6-foot, 2-inch, 130-pound adolescence, and just didn't know it!

And speaking of Blogger and its issues uploading images, I just posted the latest Least Favourite Cover entry, but since I'd drafted it yesterday when I couldn't include the cover itself, it's actually a couple posts back now. Hopefully no one will miss the chance to read all about gimmick covers, though!

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