Monday, January 01, 2007

Favourite Comic Covers Part 8

Featuring possibly the most perfect drawing of Spider-Man I've ever seen, this is such a great, classic Marvel cover. The reverse-image supporting cast figures in the background perfectly complement the figure of Spidey as he crawls across the cover, foreshadowing the promised "wildest shock ending of all-time!"

If you're so inclined, feel free to name all of the cast members you can recognize from this cover!


Tammy said...

I see Dr. Doom.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

LOL! Yup, Victor von Doom is definitely there!

Anonymous said...

Without being able to enlarge it, I see the following, aside from Doom:

Rhino, Doc Ock, JJ Jameson, Green Goblin, either (possibly "and") Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacey, Kingpin...

Now I've lost the picture in my mind..perhaps more later!