Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Counting Down To Lost's Return: 2 To Go

With less than 48 hours to go until Lost bursts back into our lives, I suppose it's time to admit one of my stranger likes about the show: the very simple, very brief opening! As you know if you've ever seen an episode, you get the first segment, then it goes to the eerie music - which I love - and the word "Lost", and that's it! By the time it comes back from commercial, the opening credits are shown over the action, meaning that we get very nearly the full 42 minutes of entertainment, with no minute or more of canned 'opening' like you do with most hour long TV programs. Considering all of the mysteries, and intrigue, and character development, I love the fact that we get right to it every week, with as little filler as possible. Sometimes it's the little things that appeal to me, because they're actually important!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

yeah that music is creepy, in a good way. i like the airplane noises when you go into a flashback, too.