Friday, February 09, 2007

Long Weekends And Short Stories

Here I sit at home, enjoying my vacation day and the start of my three-day weekend. I just spent the last half hour writing up the start of my 600th post short story, using the opening sentence that Hinckley provided after reaching the 25 Blog Point milestone. For those who didn't see his comment on that post, the opening salvo he fired my way was:

I awoke with a start in the "recovery room" of what passes for a hospital in the free of government monitoring.

I immediately started thinking of a story to go with those words when I read his comment. So far, it's playing out like it did in my head, but it's always a little dicey writing a story without any kind of plot outline (which I lazily decided to eschew this time). Sometimes such attempts go in completely different directions than planned, or fizzle out under a lack of momentum. Nothing like that's been happening in this case, though. I think it'll entertain at least a few of you, and I'm enjoying the creative process, so what else really matters?

I haven't typically gotten many comments on the short stories in the past, but perhaps Hinckley will at least provide some feedback on the product he had some small hand in creating.


Jimmy said...

Sure...I'll comment on it

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Now I'm scared....

Anonymous said...

Does the story contain Chimera??