I just stumbled across this and had to share. It's an image - presumably a cover? - related to the third volume of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series, apparently entitled Century, and due out sometime in 2008. This will be the first LOEG series to be produced outside the DC umbrella, following Moore's departure - taking the LOEG rights with him - over the V For Vendetta movie fiasco. (Top Shelf, publishers of Moore's exquisite Lost Girls hardcover set last year, will publish at least the third volume. For Lost Girls, the production quality couldn't have been any higher, as far as I could see. It was just gorgeous.) The format sounds terrific, with three 72-page, hardcover editions (compared to the old format of six issues of about 24 pages each, published in regular comic "pamphlet" style)
This year, we have the one-shot Black Dossier to look forward to, the final LOEG offering from Wildstorm (essentially a DC imprint these days).
Can you name all those characters on that sharp cover?
Wiat, wait, wait, there is a Loeg comic coming out this year?
Why didn't you inform me of this? This lack of forethought on your part is very disconcerting and frankly I am rather disappointed.
Tim: I just did, didn't I??
Vicki: The image isn't big enough, or my eyes aren't good enough, to take that challenge just yet.
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