Sunday, February 11, 2007

On The Cost Of Convenience

Vicki and I watched one of my Christmas presents last night: the DVD of An Inconvenient Truth. I'd been looking forward to seeing it again, even though it's only been about six months since we - along with Tammy - took it in at the theatre. I remembered that there was too much information to absorb and process in a single viewing and knew I'd get even more out of it the second time around. Which I did.

There was also a new "One Year Later" segment on the DVD, presented by Al Gore, on what related developments (good and bad) had occurred in the year between the movie's theatrical and DVD releases. I didn't think that part was as well done stylistically as the documentary itself, but it was still very interesting to see changes happening in such a short period of time. For example, in the main feature the stat was given that the 10 hottest years on recod had come in the previous 14 years (a truly shocking notion, when you stop and think about it); if I understood what Gore presented in the update, 2006 may in fact end up topping that list! He talked about the fact that, in the U.S. at least, cities in each of the 50 states set records for high temperaturs in the summer of 2006! Also, the melting of Greenland seems like it's just around the corner, if things don't change. Venus, here we come..

Following my own rules of lending etiquette from one of my earliest posts, I'm not going to force this movie on anyone. But I am going to make the offer that, anyone reading these words who knows me outside the Blogosphere is welcome to borrow it anytime they'd like. If you can watch this film and still think there's no impending threat, then you're a tougher nut to crack than me!

And if those crazy Americans don't elect a Democratic President in 2008, they may pretty much doom us all.


Anonymous said...

I thought the info on the Population Explosion was interesting (so it is a good thing that the pop is going to level off at 9.1 billion?!). The PE and the Cold War were both huge hyped threats to our existence just a few decades ago. Neither came to pass (though I think the nuclear one still will, just not with Russia). This may be part of the reason that the US is being slow to react. Cried wolf before.
But watching the movie again sure makes one want to do their part. Perhaps it is time to buy the clown car (75 mpg) or a hybrid.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the clown car.

Let me be the first to put this on my 'MattVickiflix' queue. I think the whole rest of the family has seen it, except for me.