Tuesday, February 27, 2007


That was one fine episode of Heroes this week (finally got to see it tonight)! The focus on Claire's family, along with Parkman and Nuclear Ted, made it feel much more intense than most of the episodes, it seemed to me. I didn't miss checking in with the Petrellis, or Nicki/Jessica, or Isaac, or even Hiro (who, of course, actually made a cameo appearance). I've maintained, pretty much from his first appearance, that Mr Bennett aka Horn Rimmed Glasses (HRG) isn't really evil. Something about his demeanor has made me think that he believes he's doing good, and not in the classic villainous "The world would be better off with me ruling it" kind of way. I'd say this episode certainly painted him in a more sympathetic light than we've seen before.

I also liked the way Parkman was able to use his ability to switch allegiance so quickly.. makes sense for a mind-reader!

When we learned about Mr Invisible being Bennett's partner, at first I thought that rang a little false, based on what we knew of him. But the more I considered it, the more it explained how he knew as much as he told Peter during their time together. Not quite sure why he didn't just turn invisible when he was being threatened by the gun, though...

The part that really didn't make any sense, though, was the Haitian's part in it. I had thought they'd established in previous episodes that, not only can he adjust other peoples' memories, but he also acts as a power-dampener whenever he's around. Am I misremembering that? (Has he been messing with my memories??!) I thought he'd shown that ability in blocking Parkman's telepathy on a couple of occasions, and that he'd done something similar to Sylar when they captured him. If so, why wasn't he able to 'defuse' Nuclear Ted and bring a calmer resolution to that situation? Also, didn't it seem odd that Bennett's boss was able to get there so quickly? I can accept that the company might have everyone's phone bugged (or moles within the police force), and therefore would've known about Lyle's call to 911, but that doesn't explain the boss getting there in a couple minutes like that. And why the Hell wasn't Parkman trying to read his mind, when he had the chance?

All in all, though, it was a fantastic episode. The show is really clicking right now, so kudos to the writing staff and the cast!


Mike Marsman said...

One thing that Heroes has over Lost is the ability to provide closure to a plotline while extending it at the same time. It's like the Heroes crew has a vision of where they want the show to go, wheras it feels like the Lost staff are pulling ideas out of their ying-yang to keep people interested.

There were definitly a few inconsistencies - Keith mentoined Claire's hair post fire. If she doesn't pull a Britney next week, I'll be a little disappointed, too.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the direction they took Bennett in this episode. And by having the Haitian mind-wipe him at the end, the writers are in a perfect position to return him to his evil ways next episode.

As for Bennett's boss showing up so quickly, well maybe he teleported!? Or flew.

Or maybe he's always been there. (5pts).