Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm One Lucky Sonuvagun

As I sit here on Valentine's Eve (I'm sure it's only a matter of time before that term catches on), I can't help but think about how fortunate I am to have a wife as incredible as Vicki. I could list dozens of things I should be thankful for in that regard, but these days it's probably sufficient to mention just one, in order to get my point across.

In a more conventional marriage, I'd probably have to work pretty hard to get much time to play Resistance: Fall of Man. Sure, I'd be able to play while Vicki was out, or after she's gone to bed... that would be the normal routine, right? But in this household, I not only get all of those opportunities, but also an hour or so each day when my wife enjoys just sitting back and watching me play R:FoM online. How special is that?

It's OK to envy me... Hell, even I envy me somedays!


Tammy said...

aw, she's pretty great

Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks. Resistance watching is fun...it's the playing that is hard! I have to plug my ears sometimes though!