Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Secret To Happiness?

We were listening to the 2nd Peter Gabriel album (sometimes referred to as Scratch) on the drive in this morning, and two lines from "D.I.Y." really struck me:

"Everyone wants to be what he not, what he not.
Nobody happy with what he got, what he got."

If that doesn't sum up why some people who have so much in Life don't seem to know how to be happy, I don't know what does. Whether it's wanting what you don't have, or not appreciating what you do have - or both - it definitely gives one pause.

The irony is that we even have a national holiday intended to remind people to give thanks!


Anonymous said...

It reminds me of a set of lyrics:

It's not having what you want,
It's wanting what you've got.

Jimmy said...

It's similar to the common theme of optimism and happiness in Robinson Crusoe.